Help your customers understand your products

Octocom is your virtual shopping consultant. Personalized recommendations, accurate comparisons, and swift answers - just like in a physical store.

Trusted by e-commerce brands big and small

Checkable logo
Gourmet Basket Australia logo
griffinRemedy logo
Suntouched logo
marika logo
Genius Brand logo

Product Recommendations

Make it simpler to purchase the right product

When customers aren't sure what to buy, they often leave your store to find more information. But, with smart product recommendations, you can clear up their confusion and point them to the right item.

Adapts to any customer situation
Picks the right combination of products
Explains why the product is the best fit
A chat interface that displays a conversation between a customer and a chatbot. The customer asks which shampoo should he get for frizz and nourishment. The bot recommends products that fit his description.
A chat interface that displays a conversation between a customer and a chatbot. The customer asks which shampoo should he get for frizz and nourishment. The bot recommends products that fit his description.

Product Inquiries

Clear up any confusion about your products

It's common for shoppers to abandon their carts because they have a few unanswered questions before they're ready to purchase. With Octocom, you can promptly respond to any customer queries, clearing up their doubts and sealing the deal.

Answers any questions about your products
Provides background information if needed
Gives as much detail as the customer needs

Product Comparisons

Help your customers choose between products

Knowing the difference between two similar products can be challenging. In most cases, shoppers are not willing to spend time researching the differences. With Octocom, these differences can be explained in a matter of seconds.

Explains what the differences
Can help determine the right product
Can suggest other relevant products
A chat interface that displays a conversation between a customer and a chatbot. The customer asks which shampoo should he get for frizz and nourishment. The bot recommends products that fit his description.

Natural conversations

All responses are uniquely generated for each customer, resulting in a natural and human-like conversation.

Multilingual support

Octocom shopping consultants can operate in over 100 languages, providing your customers with a comfortable shopping experience.

Adapts to any situation

Shoppers can share their unique needs and situations, and Octocom will adapt to provide the best service possible.

Tolink logo

“Octocom operates 24/7, addressing 87% of inquiries in real-time at the level of human support, across all languages we operate in. This heightens customer satisfaction and facilitates global expansion for our smart card business, without needing extra hires.”

Octocom Integrations

Markus Svärd

VP of e-commerce

Octocom provided Tolink with


automated inquiries


saved per month


increased CVR

Connect Octocom to your ecommerce platform

Octocom integrates with a handful of ecommerce tools to provide the best experience for both you and your customers.

Automate customer support in under 2 weeks